#23 A Book about IKIGAI

Another book which I think is awesome for reading in the time when the world is busy dealing with a virus called 'corona/COVID-19'. As you can see on the cover, it is a book on IKIGAI—written by Hector Garcia and Francesc Miralles. It has 120 pages in a form of soft file.

As always, it will not be a book review...

'IKIGAI', what the heck is that?

Do you think it is a kind of Japanese food or what? Okay, first of all, ikigai is a Japanese word which literally has no word to translate it either in English or Indonesian but basically, it is a concept of happiness, it is 'the reason for being' or 'the reason to live for' for instance, ikigai is the reason why you get up earlier, or for me, it might the reason why I write.

I think it is rather more a reason that makes us excited to do something and it can make our life more meaningful.

Japanese people have known a concept called 'Ikigai' for a long time, especially Okinawans. Ikigai is considered as a secret of longevity in Okinawa, where we can still find centenarians. Based on the book above, People in Okinawa (the name of an island in Japan) commonly have lived longer than people who live anywhere else. "There are 24.55 people over the age of 100 for every 100,000 inhabitants" than the global average. Fantastic! As I know so far, I hardly find people who live over the age of 100, the oldest I can meet is less than 80s something.

Another interesting fact said which influences their life expectancy, such as a strong sense of community, practicing teamwork and helping each other, friendliness, Japanese healthy diet, and doing some exercises.

If we talk about Ikigai, it concerns with four aspects/components, like depicted in a diagram below:

source: IKIGAI, The Japanese Secret to a long and happy life book
  1. What we Love (Hobby/passion)
  2. What you are Good at (your vocation)
  3. What the World Needs (your mission)
  4. What you can get Paid for (your profession)
First, it deals with something we like or passionate about, it can be gardening, bird feeding, writing, etc. As people in Japan always stay active even though they had retired, but in fact, they are never really retired and always find things to make them busy while growing old. They know why they have to get up in the morning and what to do to start a day, doing things that are meaningful for them.

When we know what we are really passionate about, we will do it very often until we are good at it and it finally can be part of our skill. Something that comes from our hobby or passion and we have been very good at doing our passion, we can make it as our purpose to benefit others. On top of that, it will be better if we can be paid or earn money from what we love beside it can be useful for other's living.

So, when we can complete the four aspects above, we have found our Ikigai. Another source that I watch on Youtube channel 'HUTATA' which explain about ikigai said, if we have only one of four those aspects, for instance, we have only our passion but we do not really good at it, has not a purpose, OR you work in one of companies or institutions, you do not feel happy while working, it because you just want to do it just because of money. That cannot give a beneficial impact for others and ourselves, it has not been 'Ikigai' yet because each of them is combined and related to each other.

If you are familiar with Marie Kondo, a writer of the famous book 'Life-Changing Magic of Tidying up', it started from what she likes to do is tidying her house up, she discovered methods (finally well known as 'KonMary method') on how to tidy up things properly. Such as a way to separate stuff that still usable or not, How to fold the clothes, a proper place to put any kind of stuff, etc. Because she is passionate about tidying up, she begins to be invited by people to come to their house to tell, help to practice how to tidy up in the right way. She's also invited by media to fill TV programs. There might have been people think how can she get money just from tidying up. Many people are inspired to follow her way how to tidy up until she writes a book on it. Surprisingly, the book is sold well up to 5 million copies (if I am not mistaken) and gaining money from what she does and loves.

From the story of Marie Kondo above, I think that is what ikigai is. But it is not enough only on how to find ikigai but also we have to keep on track (maintenance, to stay on our 'ikigai')

So guys, are you interested to follow the concept of IKIGAI? When you have an opportunity to read this in (still) young age, it means you have many opportunities to explore anything that can be your ikigai because I am sure not only Japanese but everybody must have a reason to live, all is started with finding life purpose first.


Nisrina's blog said...

Such a great reccomendation, the first time i know about ikigai.

Nisrina's blog said...

Such a great reccomendation, the first time i know about ikigai.

warda sri said...

Thank you for visiting this blog

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