#8 How do you define a success?

image by Pexels from Pixabay

Well, first of all I am going to say it is the first post in this New Year. I just entered 2019 where I thought it was still 2018, yes... time is gone fast, I am just looking back at time and asking  myself what I had done, what I had done, what I had done... but actually I had got some writing projects to publish in this blog last year but I could not do that due to procrastination, yeah... again I did a stupid thing. Procrastination is the most stupid thing I have ever known. Okay, maybe it is more than just a resolution, from now I just tell myself like ‘Warda, stop procrastinating, do it now!’

As connect to last year, we want to know if we have already reached out a success or not because everybody has own view regarding what success is, what things one had already done and can be said if one is successful in her/his life.

Try to ask everybody, who doesn’t want to be succeed in her/his life! I bet you will hear everybody wants it. And if you ask them about what success is, you may hear diverse answers. Some may think success is if we can get a dream job, some may think success is if we earn much money, or success is just about having great commercial business where we can buy a fancy house, fancy cars, travelling overseas and anything else. Most think success is identically with financial or material which we can reach both. Success is not just limited on finance and material.

Today is hard enough to not being contagious by others who show stunning life style which can influence our life, hedonism and materialism; these two terms seem having correlation. We just pursue material to have fun and pleasure and we can’t get both them without material. Life is just for fun, we may think we will be happy if we possess a lot of stuffs, we think we will be happy if we have gorgeous one like boyfriend/girlfriend to have fun with, we will think we will be happy if we make a lot of money, we think we will be happy if we can meet our idols and proud to be one of them so we desperately copy their style and bad habits just like them. No, we should not be like that.

Sometimes, just for fulfilling what we want we don’t mind to live far from family to work, we don’t mind to do 8 to 4 or 9 to 5 p.m. job every day even work overtime as long as the income can cover our life style that is very consumptive because we are trying to get everything perfect. In other side, if we were knew what actually the matter is, we would get realized that what we do is just trying to please the others and being liked and accepted by people not for our own pleasure and eventually we please none.

You know that going back to our hometown, people here used to call ‘mudik’ is an achievement for some of us who live in Indonesia, we live far from our family to work in other city, when we get some days off or holiday we are so on fire to get back home, of course our hometown, so when we are back we should have something to convince others that we are successful in materials, if not, it will be embarrassing like we don’t get anything from working, it will be considered that you are just wasting time and energy.

If we go back to our hometown from the city or the place we usually work in, there will be some anxieties that arrive on our mind, maybe some queries will be thrown by our relatives, neighbours like “have you got a nice car/how many car have you got?”, “have you got a nice big house?”. “How much money/deposit have you got?”, “What current position are you in at your work ?”

So now you know the truth is mostly people measure a success from physic/material, so that is why we become materialistic, because we like to hear what others say about us, realized or not when we cannot show our luxurious stuff off any longer whether on social media or in real life, people will say that you are no longer affordable in buying anything. When we go to university or school, then you will see, in capitalism era, education system views material as a purpose. Indication of success in certain university is when the alumnus becomes the rich; I think we cannot deny it. That is why if you find the students who answer that they study in the university/college in order to get certificate officially then get a job when they being asked ‘why do you study?’ of course it also occurred to me, I was a job oriented student, but when I am aware that these all is nothing.

Whereas, viewing a success characteristically is something we should do than physically. As muslim, we have standard to define it. It is not physic but non physic. Success is just not pursuing the materials or success is just not defined by material, but success is whether we have been a good or not, how is the relationship between us and our God that created us, how do we treat ourselves, how do we treat others. Have we given benefits for others' lives that really need our helps? And if it all is work, the others will come along as you go for it. Material is not only thing we pursuing for pleasure in this world but we pursuing it to get a pleasure in the next world, akhirat.

And, sometimes we need to not being care to what others say about us, if we get some queries like I wrote above from people, we may answer honestly but do not take it that seriously if those can make us down.

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